Kinjarling Coast Photo Competition 2022
/The Kinjarling (Albany) Coast is like no other, boasting stunning natural beauty and unique features, rich biodiversity as well as an outstanding renewable energy potential.
The Great Southern Science Council hosted a free-to-enter photography competition that seeked to inspire the exploration and celebration of our exceptional coastal environment and all it has to offer.
The photo competition had three categories:
1. Wooyan Gaba (Blue Ocean) and the hinterland - documenting the diversity of marine ecosystems including flora and fauna above and below the water
2. Sustainability / Under threat - examples of sustainable and renewable resource development and or and an exploration of the impact of human activities on the environment, for example climate change and ocean plastics
3. Youth - an open category that provides an opportunity for younger participants (under 16 years) to showcase their photographic skills and creativity
The competition received 37 entries which can be seen in the Gallery.
Prizes were presented at the City of Albany Library on Friday 23 September with winning entries being on display at the library between 24 September and 14 October 2022.
Winners for the 3 competition categories