Simon Clarendon
/Diploma Horticulture and Bachlor of Environmental Science
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Summary of research interests
Simon completed Diploma of Horticulture in 2000 and Bachelor of Environmental Science 2005. He worked at University of Melbourne as a research assistant in forestry and tree health and has undertaken projects at Department of Agriculture Western Australia looking at acid sulfate soils on the south coast of Western Australia and alternative lime products to change pH. He moved across to the University of Western Australia, based in Albany, developing a computer model to follow phosphorus movement through dairy farms to determine the effect of best management practices (for reducing phosphorus loss from the farm) at a catchment level. Simon is currently enrolled in a PhD through CENRM, UWA, Albany, looking at factors regulating phosphorus in drains and streams in sandy agricultural catchments in southwestern Australia, using locations in the Wilson Inlet and Oyster Harbour catchments as his study sites.