Walter Anderson
/Dr Walter Anderson
HDA (1960, Hawkesbury), BScAgr. (Hons 1, 1968, Sydney), MScAgr. (1970, Sydney), PhD (1977, New England)
Email address:
Phone: 0411 657 003
Retired - now residing in Perth
I have research and extension experience in both rainfed and irrigated cropping systems in Australia, especially in the Great Southern, on crops including wheat, barley, oats, lupins, canola, sunflowers, sorghum and triticale. The crop agronomy research and development team that I led prior to retiring contributed to major increases in the on-farm yield of wheat in Western Australia. I have also worked extensively on aid and research projects in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon and Iran. I am currently an Adjunct Professor in the School of Plant Biology at the University of Western Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology.
Summary of research interests:
The agronomic aspects of the cropping systems of dryland areas in winter-rainfall climates.